How do you pick the right technology?

These are the questions and considerations I use to pick a tech stack for that fits my client and my project.

glen elkins
6 min readMay 15, 2018

I’m a developer. I have frameworks I like to use and opinions about ones I don’t. I struggled to break away from this myopic view of technology for a long time, but as I’ve been slowly introduced to working on larger project, with bigger teams and enormous companies, simply recommending what you like just seems silly.

You’re not going to convince anyone that your framework-de-jour is the best choice just because you’ve used it before, so how do you pick the right tech stack?

Assuming you’re building something for someone else, and not just a side project, you’re responsible for picking the right technology for your client, even if it’s not your favorite.

Much like that old cliche: Favorite frameworks are like assholes, everyone’s got them and they all stink. Given what you’re out to build or who you’re building it for, all frameworks could “stink.”

This is the stuff of flame wars: React vs. Angular. Tabs vs. Spaces. Lennon vs. McCartney.

When it comes down to it, even the fiercest niche-evangelist will eventually admit that most problems can be solved in a wide variety of technologies, so how do you pick? Do you go with the latest & greatest? Most stable? Whatever you’re most familiar with? What has the most support?



glen elkins
glen elkins

Written by glen elkins

Front End dev + Solution Architect. Read The Web Performance Handbook —

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